Bournemouth University Graduate & Games Programmer (BSc)
Who Am I?
I am a recent graduate from Bournemouth University with a 2:1 degree in Games Programming searching for a position within the tech industry. I have a passion to create and take great interest in gaming and technology alike.
Over the course of my degree, I developed programming skills and knowledge on industry coding practice that allowed me to create solutions including games and applications. Additionally, for my dissertation I created a stealth game level using the Unity3D engine that explored different environmental storytelling techniques and implemented mechanics that are popular within this genre. My time at university prepared me for working under pressure and creating high quality work while constrained by time, as well as fuelling my desire to produce games. I look forward to utilising my experience in the industry and developing my ability to create further.
What Do I Do?
Design & Evaluation of a Video Game Exploring Different Environmental Narrative Techniques
Grade: First
With the rising popularity of the games industry a discussion has spawned on if it is an acceptable medium to convey stories. Many developers have created games focusing on story and the idea of narrative in games has been criticised and praised alike. This project researches into the arguments both for and against narrative’s inclusion in games. Environmental techniques are then explored with a selection chosen to be implemented into a game level using the Unity3D engine. Data received on player’s perception of narrative within the level is analysed and each technique’s success is critiqued, answering both questions posed by the paper: can a game tell a story and if so can environmental techniques be used to effectively tell a story? Full Text.
Platform: Android
After completing University I took up a project in my spare time. Deciding on development of a mobile game, I began to create Colour³, a simple to play 2D endless runner. The game has players attempt to dodge spikes while collecting coloured power ups in order to match their character's colour with the background for bonus points. As time goes on, spikes will spawn more frequently and move faster, testing the players reaction time and ability to manage their character's colour simultaneously.
A demo of Colour³ being played on an Android device can be seen below.
First Person Space Shooter (Demo)
Platform: PC
In order to develop my UI skills further, I started a demo project that features a first person spaceship. I created the UI elements in Adobe Photoshop and used various techniques to mimic existing features within space games. For example, the demo features an aiming system that allows the player to free aim when holding right click, or if an enemy is within range, the reticle will automatically snap to target. The demo also features complete control of the spaceship, allowing you to add or reduce thrust to change speed, roll with the arrow keys and adjust yaw with mouse input.
A short demo of the game can be seen below.
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This is superscript text and this is subscript text.
This is underlined and this is code: for (;;) { ... }. Finally, this is a link.
Heading Level 2
Heading Level 3
Heading Level 4
Heading Level 5
Heading Level 6
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i = 0;
while (!deck.isInOrder()) {
print 'Iteration ' + i;
print 'It took ' + i + ' iterations to sort the deck.';